Product Pricing

Red Marker offers two distinct offerings: Document Scanning and Web Reports. These enable businesses to scale compliance reviews of marketing content efficiently.

Learn more about these custom solutions below or contact us to request pricing information.

Document Scanning

Red Marker’s Document Scanning software uses a combination of custom risk detection and powerful automation, supporting marketers to create more compliant content and empowering legal and compliance to review content up to 30x faster.

With the capacity to scan hundreds of documents for legal compliance risk in moments, Red Marker helps businesses mitigate marketing risk at scale

Our document scanning solution is bespoke to your business’s unique needs. Request a quote for your business here.

Custom Risk Detection

Our document scanning software takes the burden off legal and compliance teams by processing files across hundreds of compliance rule categories. By detecting words or images deemed high-risk in the context of those rules, Red Marker analyzes and identifies:

  • Branding and images
  • Misleading phrases
  • Banned words
  • High-risk words/phrases
  • Unclear promotions
  • Incorrect or missing disclaimers
  • Custom risks unique to your business

Integration into existing tools

With support for numerous file types and an API allowing seamless integration with third-party tools, Red Marker makes it easy to deploy compliance accuracy into your review process. On-demand reporting features provide your company with actionable insights as content moves between marketing and legal teams and can be accessed from around the globe.

Ongoing Training & Support

Our priority is providing you with a simple, powerful tool that can be easily deployed across your organization. A dedicated client success manager is assigned to each Red Marker account to help customize the software’s rules for your specific needs, as well as assisting you with questions and providing continuous, ongoing educational support.

Rule Library Modules

Accelerate the path to automated compliance reviews with our foundational rule library modules, incorporating relevant guidelines from FINRA, SEC, CFPB, FCA, ESMA, MFID II and more. These modules can be used separately or packaged together.

  • FINRA Rule 2210
  • SEC Rule 206(4)-1
  • SEC Rule 482
  • Truth in Lending/Regulation Z
  • MiFID II
  • SFDR
  • ESMA

Web Reports

The internet can be a blind spot in the realm of marketing compliance, yet your web presence carries the same legal weight as any other publication. Gain visibility into your risk exposure with Red Marker’s Web Reports. By monitoring both your own websites and third party websites, Red Marker’s automation software keeps risk at bay while creating powerful efficiencies in the marketing review process.

Web Reports are built to fit your requirements, request a quote for your business here.

Compliance Risk Management

Address compliance risk before it becomes a problem. The Red Marker system scans thousands of pages for words and phrases that can damage your brand and put you at risk for regulatory compliance damages.

Redmarker’s Web Reporting can detect:

  • Misleading phrases
  • Banned words
  • High risk words
  • Out-of-date promotions
  • Incorrect disclaimers
  • Inconsistent branding

Web Compliance Coverage

Red Marker’s Web Reporting monitors your websites along with third party websites for instances of branded risk, automatically delivering detected risk in monthly reports. All of our Web Reports packages come standard with CSV or PDF reports, and have multi-language functionality.

2 marketers using Marketing Compliance Software

Customized Content Review

Red Marker’s system checks thousands of web pages for high-risk content that can be customized around your company’s industry-specific requirements, brand standards, and tolerance for risk using conditional logic. It offers full coverage over brand compliance while providing faster and more efficient web content review processes.

FCA Compliance Software

Industries We Serve

Red Marker transforms and enriches the advertising and marketing compliance process for Marketing, Compliance and legal teams alike, ensuring you have the technology to keep pace with escalating volumes of content creation, expectations around levels of compliance, and speed.

Banking & Finance

Cash in on accuracy: Redefine your banking & finance practices with AI-enhanced compliance

In the financial world where change is constant, our tools equip both marketers and compliance teams. Marketers can seamlessly create compliant content that can be approved swiftly, while compliance teams can leverage the AI to automate risk identification, transforming traditionally manual processes into efficient ones.


Insure your success with transparent, accurate ad reviews

In the ever-evolving landscape of content and regulations, our AI solutions enable marketers to create clear, compliant content swiftly, while helping compliance teams proactively identify risks and prevent ‘review fatigue’. Get ready for a future of claims-free marketing content compliance.


Connect faster to market without dropping the call on compliance

Cut the cord on traditional, time-consuming compliance processes that could put your campaigns on hold. With our technology, marketers can efficiently manage content requirements, speeding up approvals, while compliance teams can swiftly identify potential issues. It’s time to upgrade your marketing compliance plan to give you a clear signal to success.


Prescribe your marketing success with accurate compliance

Maintain the pulse of your marketing compliance by keeping up with evolving regulatory and scientific standards. Our easily configurable and adaptable AI system ensures marketers can confidently produce compliant content and provides compliance teams with the tools to identify risks faster than ever before.
Your marketing compliance solution just got an effective booster shot!


Drive your marketing compliance forward without a pit stop

Navigate the complexities of marketing compliance with Red Marker. Our technology empowers marketers to generate compliant content seamlessly while enabling compliance teams to track disclaimers, feature qualifications, and more across all marketing communications without hitting the brakes. Buckle up for a smooth ride in automotive marketing compliance.

Food & Beverage

Cook up success with consistent, configurable compliance

Don’t let compliance become a recipe for confusion. Our robust compliance solutions allow marketers to create accurate and compliant marketing messages efficiently while helping compliance teams avoid heat from regulators and senior stakeholders by rapidly identifying potential issues.

Asset Management professional


Boost your compliance health with streamlined delivery of compliant promotional material

Why let compliance become a tough pill to swallow in your healthcare marketing strategy? Launch impactful, HIPAA-compliant campaigns at speed with the helping hand of our AI intelligence and machine learning. Our solution automatically scans promotional material in any format for potential hazards like unsubstantiated or misleading health claims. Take your healthcare marketing into a healthier future, free from the risks of noncompliance.