As the demand for digital content increases, it’s become more apparent that marketing and compliance can no longer work in silos. Stringent regulatory requirements don’t leave room for shortcuts, but businesses in the private sector and agencies alike need access to solutions that can increase efficiency at every stage of the content journey, from creation through legal review.
To meet this need, our implementation consultants are continuously innovating the Red Marker user experience to offer enhanced workflows and greater compliance accuracy on their marketing and advertising content. Here are some of the more recent and upcoming integrations that users can look forward to utilizing:
UK-based and international brands will appreciate our integration with bethebrand, offering a one-stop shop where users can run automated risk detection on their marketing content in the same place they organize their digital content assets. There is no easier way to maximize marketing performance while ensuring compliance alignment with industry-specific regulations.
Contact your Red Marker client success team to add bethebrand to your Red Marker app.

The #1 digital asset management and online marketing software just got a little better. With the help of Red Marker, marketers can plan, create, and organize their advertising and marketing collateral in the same place they complete compliance reviews. Delivering automated efficiency at scale, better compliance outcomes are ahead.
Access to Integration Coming Soon.

Red Oak Compliance
Our partnership with Red Oak Compliance advertising review software offers compliance professionals high-quality customer service and AI-based capabilities to better navigate the regulatory landscape. With the combined powers of both, users will benefit from enhanced workflow management and advanced risk detection.
Access to Integration Coming Soon.

Veeva Vault PromoMats
To keep up with commercial content velocity, Veeva users that integrate with Red Marker can leverage real-time marketing compliance feedback and advanced document scanning capabilities. Increase speed to market in the most highly regulated industries with this upcoming Red Marker integration.
Access to Integration Coming Soon.

Check back in about other upcoming features coming down the pipeline for Red Marker users.
For more information, check out Red Marker’s support page on current integrations.
Need additional integrations?
If you’re not seeing an application you would like to leverage as a Red Marker user, please let us know and we can request to have an integration created!
Interested in integrating?
There are many benefits to becoming an integration partner with Red Marker. Whether you’re looking to expand your platform’s user base or break into a new market, we would love to discuss how we can work together.